const d = new Date(); let min = d.getMinutes(); function realtime () { var interval = clearInterval(interval); $.getJSON(''+min, function (data) { $('[id=chart_]').highcharts('StockChart', { chart: { panning: false, pinchType: 'null', marginTop: -5, borderWidth: 0, zoomType: 'null',plotBorderWidth: 1, plotBorderColor: '#cdcdcd', events : { load : function () { var series = this.series[0]; var y; var go = "DZD"; /* A */ socket.on('update', function (dataj) { var chart_data = JSON.parse(dataj); if(go == "USD") y = parseFloat(parseFloat(chart_data.USDTRY).toFixed(4)); if(go == "EUR") y = parseFloat(parseFloat(chart_data.EURTRY).toFixed(4)); if(go == "GBP") y = parseFloat(parseFloat(chart_data.GBPUSD*chart_data.USDTRY).toFixed(4)); if(go == "ons") y = parseFloat(parseFloat(chart_data.XAUUSD).toFixed(4)); if(go == "gram") y = parseFloat(parseFloat(chart_data.USDTRY*chart_data.XAUUSD/31.1).toFixed(4)); if(go == "ceyrek") y = parseFloat(parseFloat(1.66*chart_data.USDTRY*chart_data.XAUUSD/31.1).toFixed(4)); }); var series = $('[id=chart_]').highcharts().series[0]; interval = setInterval(function () { var x = (new Date()).getTime(); if(y != null && y != "" && !isNaN(parseFloat(y))) { series.addPoint([x, y], true, >= 40); } }, 1000); }, destroy: function () { clearInterval(interval); } } }, scrollbar : { enabled : false, liveRedraw: true }, tooltip:{valueDecimals:2,formatter:function(){var s=Highcharts.dateFormat('%H:%M:%S - %e %b %Y, %A',this.x); $.each(this.points,function(){s+='
Fiyat = '+this.y.toFixed(4);+'';});return s;}}, navigator : { enabled : false }, title : { text : 'DZD', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 75, y: 20 }, subtitle : { text : 'ANLIK', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 80, y: 35 }, rangeSelector: { buttons: [{ type: 'minute', count: 1, text: '1M' }, { type: 'minute', count: 5, text: '5M' }, { type: 'hour', count: 1, text: '1H' }, { type: 'day', count: 1, text: '1D' }, { type: 'week', count: 1, text: '1W' }, { type: 'all', text: 'All' }], selected: 5 }, yAxis: [{ opposite: false, showFirstLabel: true, showLastLabel: true }, { opposite: true, showFirstLabel: true, showLastLabel: true, linkedTo: 0 }], series : [{ data : data, turboThreshold: 0 }] }); }); } function live () { $.getJSON(''+min, function (data) { // Find min and max values in the data let minValue = Math.min( => point[1])); let maxValue = Math.max( => point[1])); // If all data points are the same, adjust the min and max values if (minValue === maxValue) { minValue *= 0.95; // Decrease minValue by 5% maxValue *= 1.05; // Increase maxValue by 5% } $('[id=chart_]').highcharts('StockChart', { chart: { panning: false, pinchType: 'null', marginTop: -20, borderWidth: 0, zoomType: 'null',plotBorderWidth: 1, plotBorderColor: '#ddd' }, scrollbar : { enabled : false, liveRedraw: false }, tooltip:{valueDecimals:2,formatter:function(){var s=Highcharts.dateFormat('%H:%M - %e %m %Y, %A',this.x); $.each(this.points,function(){s+='
Fiyat = '+this.y.toFixed(4);+'';});return s;}}, navigator : { enabled : false }, title : { text : 'DZD', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 75, y: 20 }, subtitle : { text : 'BUGÜN', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 80, y: 35 }, rangeSelector: { selected:8}, yAxis: [{ opposite: false, showFirstLabel: true, showLastLabel: true, min: minValue, max: maxValue }, { opposite: true, showFirstLabel: true, showLastLabel: true, linkedTo: 0, min: minValue, max: maxValue }], series : [{ data : data, }] }); }); } function chart (id, subtitle, selectedv) { $.getJSON('', function (data) { $('[id='+id+']').highcharts('StockChart', { chart: { panning: false, pinchType: 'null', marginTop: -20, borderWidth: 0, zoomType: 'null', plotBorderWidth: 1, plotBorderColor: '#ddd'}, scrollbar : { enabled : false, liveRedraw: false }, navigator : { enabled : false }, title : { text : 'DZD', floating: true, align: 'left', x: 75, y: 20 }, subtitle : { text : subtitle, floating: true, align: 'left', x: 80, y: 35 }, rangeSelector: { selected:selectedv}, yAxis: [{ opposite: false, showFirstLabel: true, showLastLabel: true }, { opposite: true, showFirstLabel: true, showLastLabel: true, linkedTo: 0 }], series : [{ data : data, }] }); }); }